Our Global Impact is a year in the life of Palladium. This publication reflects who we are and what we do, measured by the impact we have on the world.
Globally, 2021 represented hope. After another unprecedented year, many looked towards the changing of the calendar as a new chapter. And while the page was turned, we learned that recovery will require faster and more extensive effort from all of us if we’re really going to create a more just and resilient world.
In this context, Our Global Impact 2021 is the first in which we’ve included our work categorised against the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals – Global Goals that have become a unifying framework for discussions and measurement around global impact.
Leaders in corporate sustainability and philanthropy are an obvious group for whom the SDGs have helped to guide and measure their activities. However, beyond these traditional approaches lie companies seeking to build sustainability and development outcomes into their core business strategies – those handful of forward-thinking organisations who see that commercial growth is inextricably linked to the social wellbeing of the ecosystems in which they operate, from their workforce to their supply chains to their customers.
The engagement of these private sector players is crucial to development in the long-term, whether guided by the SDGs or not. And it’s that engagement that will be so key to accelerating our collective efforts.
Each year, we choose a theme for Our Global Impact; one that represents our accomplishments as we reflect, and our hopes as we look ahead. This year, we chose ‘accelerate.’ While we are inspired daily by the impact of our teams on the ground and the progress we witness around the world, change simply must happen at a quicker pace. You’ll see this theme reflected in the following sections as we explore our partnerships with governments, businesses, investors, and civil society alike, all working to tackle the same global challenges. Change is on the horizon, and we hope you’ll join us in accelerating towards building a more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable world.
Christopher Hirst
Chief Executive Officer, Palladium
Each year, we choose a theme for Our Global Impact; one that represents our accomplishments as we reflect, and our hopes as we look ahead. This year, we chose ‘accelerate.’ While we are inspired daily by the impact of our teams on the ground and the progress we witness around the world, change simply must happen at a quicker pace. You’ll see this theme reflected in the sections below as we explore our partnerships with governments, businesses, investors, and civil society alike, all working to tackle the same global challenges.
From Policy to People
Providing Social Services
How can governments improve people’s lives? Doing so is core to the role of government, and when done well and right, public projects, subsidies, and initiatives can mean the difference between happy and fulfilled citizens, and those who are left out in the cold.

From Inaction to Investment
Tackling the Climate Crisis
The time is now to address climate change. This has been the rallying cry from scientists and those within our own ranks for years. 2021 offered a beacon of hope; a year in which we could build back better and lay the foundation for a more sustainable world.
From PR to Progress
Delivering on Corporate Sustainability
No organisation or government exists in isolation. Each one operates within an ecosystem of people, cultures, processes, and interests, and alignment around a shared strategy can result in transformative value that benefits everyone within that complex network.


our commitments

Embedded in everything we do are a set of a commitments; to our staff, our clients, and to the communities in which we work. These principles shape everything from the projects we take on to the people we hire, and our overarching strategies as an organisation. We’re proud to share them this year to demonstrate our progress, but also to share how much further we have to go. We are constantly iterating and improving because making good on our commitments means ensuring that they continue to work for all of our people in an ever-changing world.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Our journey has meant building EDI into the core of our business, from the heart of our corporate strategy to each and every project we undertake around the world.

Palladium’s path towards net zero began simply. Rather than wait for the perfect solution, we started where we could as soon as we could.

Global Goals
No matter who we’re working with or where in the world our projects take place, we’re tackling these critical development outcomes.

Embedded in everything we do are a set of a commitments; to our staff, our clients, and to the communities in which we work. These principles shape everything from the projects we take on to the people we hire, and our overarching strategies as an organisation. We’re proud to share them this year to demonstrate our progress, but also to share how much further we have to go. We are constantly iterating and improving because making good on our commitments means ensuring that they continue to work for all of our people in an ever-changing world.
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Our journey has meant building EDI into the core of our business, from the heart of our corporate strategy to each and every project we undertake around the world.
Palladium’s path towards net zero began simply. Rather than wait for the perfect solution, we started where we could as soon as we could.
Global Goals
No matter who we’re working with or where in the world our projects take place, we’re tackling these critical development outcomes.
OUR Impact around the world
237 Projects in 90 Countries
* click the map markers to view more information

Download Our Global Impact 2021 to learn about our 200+ projects spanning 90 countries and 6 continents.